MD/PhD Physician and Pathologist.
+15 years in cancer research.

Degree in Economics and Business and MBA. Experienced in managing several SMEs.

General Manager
Engineer, serial entrepreneur, angel investor and director of a business accelerator. Senator at World Business Angels Forum.

MD. Physician. Master in Medical Management and Clinical Management.

Degree in Economics. Experienced in financials. Former Associate Professor.

PhD in Biotechnology. In vivo / in vitro, diagnostic techniques, clinical data models and data quality specialist.
Licensing Director
PhD Molecular Biology. +20 years in Licensing, Business Analytics and Strategic Consulting at Roche, PharmaMar and ActeaVentures.
Investor Relations EU
Katja Görnemann is a certified EFFAS financial analyst specialized in Equity and Fixed Income Investor Relations (IR), Corporate Development, Corporate Finance and Corporate Communication. His professional development has focused on the preparation and execution of IPOs (Gestevisión Telecinco, Talgo), corporate bond issuances, as well as the design and implementation of IR strategic plans in multinational companies from various sectors, including complex corporate situations (Campofrio, debt to equity swap Metrovacesa), refinancing transactions (high yield bonds Campofrio Food Group) and the integration of the Corporate Communication function within IR (Campofrio Food Group). Katja Görnemann has international experience – she has worked in the corporate development team at RWE Energie, Germany – and is fluent in English, Spanish and German.